Have you ever felt that things are so busy at work that you are only along for the ride? Have you experienced times at work that it feels like your hair is on fire? Those days where you look down at you laptop and realize that it is 5 pm and it feels like nothing got accomplished? It is one of those times for my team...
It is a busy time at Microsoft for recruiters. We just started our new fiscal year and hiring becomes a major focus. However, this year is unique. My team's workload has increased dramatically due to several new profiles that Microsoft has created to as part of our Mobile First, Cloud First focus. We are simply very busy right now!
The overwhelming panic feeling usually sets in when there is too much on a person's plate in life (or work). It reminds me of a time when I was boogie boarding in S. California when I was 13. I was enjoying the tide until I kicked something very large below me, which should have not been there. I knew it was a shark. Visions of JAWS flashed into my brain. Panic quickly set in and I was off to the beach- so I thought. I quickly realized that I was not going anywhere, simply going in circles in a frantic pattern. My mind was moving too fast and needed to process and focus on what was right in front of me. Once I forgot about the shark trying to eat me and refocused, I made it to the beach.
In the video, the majority of the kids who are slowly inching out to the end of the blob were not truly embracing what was going to happen next. They were not too sure of being launched 50 feet into the air. Their brains are still in panic mode. However, there was one kid who had a different perspective. "This is going to be epic!" That kid embraced the challenge and wanted to make the most of it. He already had a vision of what was going to happen and met it with excitement.
Goggle Man is challenging the world to be like that kid. View challenges as "epic" vs. scary or too hard. Charge into each adventure with an "EPIC" viewpoint.
My team will be "EPIC". We are going to change the face of Microsoft with the people we hire. If you want to be part of this epic adventure, connect with us to discuss how you can help change the world!
Until next time- GO have an EPIC adventure
-Google Man Out!
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