I have been focused in deep thought this week. I know, that is crazy to think that Goggle Man can compose a thought for more than two minutes. I have been pondering the concepts that our culture gravitates toward images. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all are image heavy and if anyone is like me, they skip over the boring words and look at the crazy cat post. Images drive the curiosity within society but a lot of times does not tell the entire story. This drives us to find out more to have it make sense.
I guess the age old saying- "a picture is worth a thousand words" rings true. Dr. Seuss made a career of this concept- lots of pictures and small, easy words...
Some pictures can portray negative impression on the world and no one wants to wait to hear what they have to say.
While others influence the world to stop and listen and hold onto their words and want more.

At Microsoft, we are focused on creating an image that people gravitate toward.
Until next time.
Goggle Man Out!
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