Saturday, July 4, 2015

Day 8: Mighty Mouse

Goggle Man hopes you have awesome plans for the 4th of July. The Goggle family is a bit slow this morning since we had a long day on the lake yesterday. I was very proud of my 7 yr old daughter who decided she was going to try wakeboarding. She was able to get up her first try. I will be sharing a video when I am back in town. Our new nickname for her is Mighty Mouse. The name stuck since she is super small, but a powerhouse with her determination.

Mighty Mouse reminds me of the core of what makes America who we are. We are determined people. Our country was founded on this notion of seeing a goal of being free. I hope that we do not forget this.

I am blessed to work with determined people. We just closed out our fiscal year and our sales teams did an awesome job. They were backed by industry leading product, program, and support teams that help make the magic at Microsoft happen. KUDOS to Microsoft
for a great Fy15!
Are you determined like Mighty Mouse was yesterday? If the answer is yes, Microsoft might be a great place to help you change the world.

Enjoy your weekend- eat lots of hotdogs, burgers, sodas (or adult beverages if that is your thing) and celebrate that we come from a long line of Might Mouse's who were determined to change their world.

Go explore and create an adventure!

-Goggle Man Out!

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