Friday, July 10, 2015

Day 10: Friday Song Challenge- Dont Worry...

Hello World-

Life is short and we all need to live life the fullest. We all know someone who is struggling with something right now.  It might be you personally or someone you know.  I wanted to encourage everyone today to enjoy each moment and live for today.  Since we spend the majority of time at work, I hope you have an environment like Microsoft that supports you like family!

Link is here: 

Here is a Goggle Man left turn.   I was up late last night entranced with the GoPro channel.   It is amazing what people create.    Here is something I found that I could not pass up.

Take the Twiggy's lead and go have an adventure this weekend.  If a squirrel can waterski, you can try something new!

Until Next Time!

-Goggle Man Out!

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